Tuesday, December 17, 2024

JewishGen Sephardic Dispersion and A Guide to Sephardic Genealogy Wednesday, December 18th, 2924 at 2:00 PM ET


Avraham Groll via groups.jewishgen.org agroll=jewishgen.org@groups.jewishgen.org

1:27 PM (1 hour ago)
to main

Please join us for this week's JewishGen Talks webinar:


Topic: Post 1492 Sephardic Dispersion and A Guide to Sephardic Genealogy

When: TOMORROW, Wednesday, December 18th, 2024

Time: 2:00 PM ET

Speaker: Sarina Roffé

About the Talk: What happened in Spain? Why were the Jews expelled in 1492? How were they treated in the century before the expulsion? Where did they go? Sarina Roffe provides an overview of how Sephardic Jews dispersed around the globe after 1492 and discusses Sephardic resources for genealogy. 

Recording: Those who register for the webinar will have access to the recording before it is made available publicly.


Monday, December 16, 2024



  • This year's 28th Miami Jewish Film Festival is coming to you wherever you are! Discover bold new films, groundbreaking stories, visionary shorts, insightful panel discussions, talk-backs, and so much more in our Virtual Program featuring more than 80 film premieres from 20 countries that you can enjoy right from home and even stream directly on your TV.
  • Explore the Miami Jewish Film Festival by clicking this link: https://watch.eventive.org/mjff
  • Click this link for more information about the film festival: https://miamijewishfilmfestival.org/news/latest/mjff-2025/

Monday, November 18, 2024

Hal Bookbinder - "Your Password has Expired" article


---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: "hal.bookbinder@ucla.edu" <HBOOKBINDER@roadrunner.com>
To: "'leadership@iajgs.org'" <leadership@iajgs.org>
Date: Wed, 13 Nov 2024 07:19:41 +0000
Subject: [IAJGS Leadership] "Your Password has Expired"
Dear IAJGS Leaders,

Most of us have gotten emails or text messages that our password has expired and that we must immediately update it or our access will be terminated. Such messages are typically bogus and rather an attempt to obtain our credentials for nefarious purposes. "Your Password has Expired" addresses this scam. It also provides another shout out to "have i been pwned?". I encourage you to take advantage of this valuable free site that can alert you to breaches that include you.

"Your Password has Expired" has been published in the November 2024 issue of "Venturing into Our Past", the Newsletter of the Jewish Genealogical Society of the Conejo Valley and Ventura County (JGSCV). All Practicing Safe Computing articles published to date are freely accessible at https://tinyurl.com/SafeComputingArticles

Also, check out, "JewishGen KehilaLinks" at https://jgscv.org/pdf/newsletters/Venturing_V20_N1.pdf#page=10. This article discusses this valuable resource. Some members of your society may be unaware of KehilaLInks, or may have not checked them in some time for their ancestral town. New towns are added regularly. One of the most recent is the KehilaLinks for Dubno, my ancestral town.


Hal Bookbinder
Los Angeles, CA

Monday, November 11, 2024

December 18th Zoom Meeting - Traveling to America in Steerage and Whether to Admit or Deport our Ancestors presented by Phil Goldfarb



Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Miami

Tuesday, December 18th, 2024, at 7:30 p.m. (ET)

Traveling to America in Steerage and Whether to Admit or Deport our Ancestors

Presented by: 

Phil Goldfarb
This presentation discusses the history of ship travel to the United States from the 1830s to the 1920s. What it was like for our ancestors to travel on these ships, especially in steerage, what they did, how they felt, and how they prepared to enter the US. We will also discuss in detail the processing of immigrants into the United States with an emphasis on Ellis Island. 

The program is informational, educational, contains some great Jewish trivia, and is also very entertaining!



Phil Goldfarb is a 4th generation pharmacist by profession and a retired officer in the U.S. Army Medical Service Corps. He worked in the health care and medical communications industry for 40 years, helping to grow and take a company public while retiring as Divisional Vice President of Operations for a Fortune 20 Company. Phil is the founding President of the JGS of Tulsa and has been doing genealogy for over 40 years. A genealogy contributor for websites, he has lectured extensively having given over 2,000 presentations, published articles in genealogy journals, written two books on passports and passport applications, and authors a monthly column in the Tulsa Jewish Review. He is the editor of The Weekly News Nosh…News about Jewish Genealogy, Jewish History and Jewish Culture which is published in Tracing The Tribe and The Jewish Genealogy Portal on Facebook each Sunday as well as on the L’Dor V’Dor Foundation website for those who do not use Facebook at www.ldvdf.org/newsnosh

Phil co-produced a 2020 Emmy Award-winning Historical Documentary titled: L’Dor V’Dor: Generation to Generation…the History of Tulsa’s Jewish Community, was Chairman of 2020 IAJGS Awards Committee, Member of the 2024 IAJGS Nominating Committee and assisted with the development and implementation of the LDVDF Worldwide Jewish Event Calendar which can be utilized 24/7/365 at www.ldvdf.org/Jdays.


Please confirm attendance RSVP
jgsgm.vpprogramming@gmail.com and jgsgm.president@gmail.com

(A zoom link will be sent a few days before the program.)

The link to the current News Noshes and past ones since July is: www.ldvdf.org/newsnosh


© Copyright 2024 Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Miami

Wednesday, November 6, 2024

Landsmanshaftn Records at the Center for Jewish History


Landsmanshaftn Records are located at the Center for Jewish History


Repository Details

Part of the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research Repository

15 West 16th Street
New York NY 10011 United States

IAJGS Leadership Forum - Digitized Brooklyn City Directories

 News from the JewishGen Leadership Forum:

---------- Forwarded message ----------
From: Jan Meisels Allen <janmallen@att.net>
To: "'IAJGS Leadership Forum'" <leadership@iajgs.org>
Date: Wed, 30 Oct 2024 19:38:19 -0700
Subject: [IAJGS Leadership] (US-NY- Brooklyn) Brooklyn City Directories Digitized and Available on Internet Archive




Brooklyn City directories are digitized and available for free on Internet Archive.

The guest post from Dee Bowers (they/them), Archives Manager at the Brooklyn Public Library Center for Brooklyn History, is part of a series written by members of the Internet Archive’s Community Webs program.


Thank you to Janice Sellers for informing of us about this free resource!

Jan Meisels Allen

Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee



To unsubscribe or modify your subscription options, please visit:

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Thursday, October 3, 2024

JewishGenSIG - Arthur Sissman - ChatGPT zoom meeting

ChatGPT New concept: Chain-of-Thought Reasoning

JGSIG Oct Meeting - Tues Oct 8 2024 1-2:30 pm ET / 10 am PT / 6 pm UK / 8 pm IR / 3 am Melbourne
If you think others would benefit from the topics below, please feel free to distribute this email to your society members, friends, and frenemies!! All are welcome to join the fun.
We played with AI Chatbots last month and everything has changed! Let’s Learn HOW!
Hi All,
Zoom recording link and Resource Guide will only be available after the meeting to attendees. To be able to receive the recording and Resource material send the following info to genresearch13@yahoo.com:
  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Location
  4. Phone
Note: Last month, Arthur discussed AI Chatbots and use in genealogy. The available processes have already changed!! If you did not come last month, don’t be afraid to come and see what is going on. The resource guide with examples you can repeat for yourself is extensive.
Topic: Newest Versions at ChatGPT: Chain of Thought Reasoning - Why Do I Care?
Review and Answer Questions from Last Month - especially Tombstone Translation and Analysis
Then! - What have you done to enhance your AI and Genealogy experience? Did the Resource Guide help?
Newest Versions at ChatGPT: Chain of Thought Reasoning - Why Do I Care?
Want to get a heads up on this part of the meeting? Go here: https://tinyurl.com/28pg6pkg
1. What is it?
2. Do I want/need it?
3. How do I get it?
4. What’s it gonna cost me or not?
5. If I ain’t gonna pay for it, how do I get the best work-around?
6. What else do I need to know?
7. What Resource Guide has Arthur created to help me out?
Contact Arthur Sissman at genresearch13@yahoo.com for more information.

Monday, September 9, 2024

JGSIG September Meeting Announcement - Tuesday, September 10th at 1 pm. - Let's play with AI Platforms

 JGSIG Sept Meeting Announcement - Tues Sept 10 2024 - FREE Zoom NO RSVP


Arthur Sissman

5:37 AM (6 hours ago)
to Arthur
Note by AS: Feel free to share this with interested parties - free.
JGSIG Sept Meeting Announcement - Tues Sept 10 2024

Let’s play with AI Platforms and learn how to process some genealogy.

Expand and outline the use of Ancestry AI updates. What do I need to know.
JGSIG Meeting Tues 10 Sept 2024 1-2:30 pm ET / 10am PT / 6pm UK / 8pm IR / 3am tomorrow Melbourne AU.
Zoom recording link and Resource material will only be after the meeting. To be able to receive the recording and Resource material send the following info to genresearch13@yahoo.com:
  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Location
  4. Phone
Practical ways to Use AI platforms in your Research RIGHT NOW.
  1. Obituary and processing
  2. Fact extraction and processing
  3. Tombstone transcription / translation / processing.
  4. DNA match notes processing and analysis?
  5. Strategies for Using AI Today in Your Learning Process!
  6. Other examples demonstrated.
Needed - the following to use for examples and that you don’t mind sharing with others…..
  1. Long, detailed obituary
  2. Tombstone in more than one language.
  3. Long document with many facts that needs processing.
  4. Well organized written DNA data that needs processing.
No guarantee that what you submit will be used in any of the demos.
No need to subscribe to any models.
AI models to be discussed are ChatGPT, Perplexity, Meta AI, Claude.
If you are interested in attending this action oriented meeting — join the meeting.
Tues 10 Sept 2024 1-2:30 pm ET
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 5186 7914
Passcode: Sept10

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Webtember 2024 - Free Legacy Family Tree Webinars

 "Get ready for an exciting month of learning with "Webtember" 2024!

Legacy Family Tree Webinars is back with another month-long, free online genealogy conference. Each Friday in September, join expert speakers as they cover a range of topics, from DNA testing to historical records and everything in between. There’s something for everyone.

Don’t miss out — register now!

Can’t make it live? Recordings will be available through the end of September."

For additional information, click here:

Webtember 2024: Elevate Your Genealogy Skills All September Long - MyHeritage Blog

Thursday, August 1, 2024

POLIN MUSEUM Free Online Series in English

POLIN Museum new online series in English

"Join us for a new online series from POLIN Museum, conducted in English, where we explore various aspects of Jewish life in Poland. Together, we will delve into the rich heritage of Polish Jews, who may include your own ancestors. All sessions are held on Zoom, and registration is free."

Part 1: Discovering Your Heritage: How to Trace Your Ancestry with Simple Tools

August 18, 2024, 2PM EDT / 11AM PDT / 8PM CET

Hosted by Matan Shefi

Part 2:  Women of the shtetl

September 22, 2024, 11AM EDT / 8AM PDT / 5PM CET

Hosted by Aleksandra Jakubczak

For more information about this free series click here:

POLIN MUSEUM online series in English

Thursday, July 18, 2024

MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA partnership announcement


MyHeritage Announcement


FamilyTreeDNA has been a valued partner and friend of MyHeritage for well over a decade.


I’m delighted to announce the launch of a new collaboration between the two companies. This collaboration, which includes integration between the MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA websites, enables FamilyTreeDNA customers to transfer their family trees to MyHeritage, and to continue building them on MyHeritage. FamilyTreeDNA users can now easily transfer their family trees to MyHeritage for free, after providing consent on both FamilyTreeDNA and MyHeritage.


This collaboration expands the two companies’ longstanding partnership, and will provide FamilyTreeDNA customers with access to MyHeritage’s robust suite of genealogy tools and features, many of which are not available on FamilyTreeDNA.


This strategic decision allows FamilyTreeDNA to focus on its expertise in DNA testing services and reporting, while providing its users with access to the powerful family tree tools and technologies offered by MyHeritage.


To facilitate this collaboration, MyHeritage and FamilyTreeDNA have developed a technical integration that now enables FamilyTreeDNA users to seamlessly transfer their family tree data to MyHeritage. This process is voluntary; however, transferring the tree data to MyHeritage is encouraged, as FamilyTreeDNA will officially sunset their family tree builder on September 9, 2024. At that point, all family trees on FamilyTreeDNA will become read-only. It will still be possible to transfer trees from FamilyTreeDNA to MyHeritage after this date, but this functionality may not be available forever, so the sooner the transfer is done, the better. Access to DNA results on FamilyTreeDNA will remain unchanged.


For more details about the integration, read the blog post. Please help spread the word about this exciting new collaboration!


Daniel Horowitz

Genealogy Expert