From: <>
To: IAJGS Leadership Forum <>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 20:29:28 -0800
Subject: [IAJGS Leadership] Ancestry Announces Digitization of All 36 Million Available US Draft Cards
To access the collection go to:
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To: IAJGS Leadership Forum <>
Date: Thu, 27 Feb 2020 20:29:28 -0800
Subject: [IAJGS Leadership] Ancestry Announces Digitization of All 36 Million Available US Draft Cards
Ancestry announced on February 27 that they have digitized all available 36 million young man’s US Draft Cards. 2020 is the 75th anniversary of the end of World War ll. They worked with the US National Archives and Records Administration to digitize the collection. This is fully searchable and includes color images. The database includes registration cards for men born between 1898 and 1929 from all states except Maine. The cards from Maine were destroyed before they could be digitized.
Information on the cards include: name, serial number, address or mailing address, telephone, age, place of birth, county of citizenship, employers name and address of employment, name and address of person who knows the registrants’ address and description of person and year of registration.
To access the collection go to:
When you click on the URL, a window will open asking you to fill in the information for the search. Click on search and a new window opens for the persons that match your search criteria. If you find your person, to view the record, you must have a subscription. When the card opens remember it has two sides so click on the arrow to the right to get to page 2.
Once you have the record open if you want to save it to your computer click the green save button. Below the save button there are chain of icons one of which is a tool with that icon you can print or download and more.
Ancestry is a subscription service. While you can search the above database without a subscription, once you find the person you are looking for, to actually view the record you need a subscription and will be invited to subscribe.
Remember, that many public libraries and Family History Centers have library subscriptions to Ancestry if you do not have a personal subscription.
To read the full press release
Original url: see:
I have no affiliation with Ancestry and am posting this solely for the information of the reader.
Jan Meisels Allen
Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee
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