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From: Jan Meisels Allen <janmallen@att.net>
To: IAJGS Leadership Forum <leadership@iajgs.org>
Date: Tue, 2 Apr 2019 16:59:21 -0700
Subject: [IAJGS Leadership] Fold3 Free Access Civil War Records Through April 15, 2019
Fold3, part of the Ancestry families of companies is offering free access to Civil War records to commemorate the beginning of the Civil War in 1861. Access to more than 100 million records is through April 15, 2-19 at 11:59PM MT. Free access requires registration. No credit card information is required, only name, password, and email address. If you are a subscriber to Ancestry you may also use that subscription registration to sign-in. Records in the collection include: Soldier Records, Photographs, Original War Maps, Lincoln papers, Military antiques, Slave Records. They have worked with the US National Archives to bring these records to their website. Go to: https://go.fold3.com/civilwar
To see the list of Civil War records go to: https://www.fold3.com/browse/249/ and scroll down to Civil War and click on that. A new column appears with the list of Civil War records and the word "free" next to the collection.
If you try to access the featured collection after April 15 or try to access records other than their Civil War Collection you will be invited to subscribe to a paid subscription.
I have no affiliation with Fold3 or Ancestry and am posting this solely for the information of the reader.
Jan Meisels Allen
Chairperson, IAJGS Public Records Access Monitoring Committee