A free webinar offered through the Florida State Genealogical Society,"Hidden Gems of Jewish Genealogy”, Thursday, January 17 at 8pm EST. The speaker is Marlis Humphrey. Pre-registration is required at https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1614022992530442755 .
17 Jan 2019 – Marlis Humphrey
Hidden Gems of Jewish Genealogy
· Webinar Abstract: Jewish genealogy has many challenges but also a growing arsenal of special resources tuned to discovering Jewish ancestors that are available online. Jewish genealogy requires tools to overcome the challenges of doing research in multiple languages, with complicated naming conventions, and in locales which had been under often changing sovereignty. Some of these research resources are well known or easily discoverable - but many are not so obvious. This presentation is not a step-by-step “how to”, but instead will showcase more than a dozen resources that are "hidden gems" of Jewish genealogy. When we research our family history, we often get into a familiar pattern of looking for records in the same places and using the same methods. Whether an experienced researcher or one who is just starting the search for Jewish ancestors, you will find something(s) to aid your explorations - research resources that you may never have heard of or may have forgotten.
· Presenter: Marlis Humphrey is President of the Florida State Genealogical Society (FSGS) and immediate Past President of the International Association of Jewish Genealogical Societies (IAJGS). She served as co-chair of IAJGS Boston 2013 conference and is a worldwide renowned lecturer, and professional genealogist. Marlis is the foremost expert on family history publishing using technology advances to enrich our sharing of family history. Marlis has managed extensive technology portfolios for Harris Corporation, AT&T Bell Labs, and others. She currently is VP Marketing and Technology for BlueTube, Inc., a Florida-based environmental non-profit. Marlis holds a BA in Russian language and a MS in Management of Technology.
· Webinar Registration: https://attendee.gotowebinar.com/register/1614022992530442755