- January
29 marks the first event for 2017 of the Jewish Genealogical Society of
Greater Miami. We are hosting a familiar face , Ms Phyllis Kramer,
genealogist and educator- discussing one of the hottest topics encountered by
any amateur and professional genealogist A
passenger Manifest and the Immigrant Voyage" . Acknowledge your
participation by January 26 to secure a three page handout prepared by the
speaker with invaluable information of the topic.
- Ella
Sheffer is donating for the benefit of our society 1-year
Ancestry.com “Fold3.com” subscription ("Access to U.S.
& international Military records", a $79.95 value), It is the prize she won through the
raffle which took place in our recent meeting .You will have an opportunity to bid on it during the start of the meeting in January 29. If you are unable to attend the meeting, e mail your bid not later then by 10.00 pm January 28 2017 to ymillman.jgs@gmail.com to be included in the auction, Thank you Ella !!