Friday, April 10, 2020

Sousa Mendes Foundation Upcoming Event

JGSGM Member and Vice President of Membership.
Robert would like to share this Sousa de Mendes event announcement with our members.

🎥✨🍿You’re invited to join us for an online FILM AND DISCUSSION EVENT featuring the new documentary “Nobody Wants Us” 🎥✨🍿
About the film
In 1940, a ship called the S.S. QUANZA left the port of Lisbon carrying several hundred Jewish refugees to freedom. Most of them held life-saving visas issued by the Holocaust rescuer Aristides de Sousa Mendes. But events went terribly wrong, and the passengers became trapped on the ship when no country would accept them. Nobody Wants Us Film tells the gripping true story of how Eleanor Roosevelt stepped in to save the passengers on board, believing them to be “future patriotic Americans” rather than “undesirables” as labeled by the US State Department. This is an episode in American history that everyone should know!
Following the film, join Holocaust survivor and educator Miriam Klein Kassenoff and award-winning PBS producer and independent filmmaker Laura Seltzer-Duny for a discussion of this little-known episode in Holocaust history and its relevance for today. The discussion will be moderated by Olivia Mattis, President of the Sousa Mendes Foundation.
Our Virtual Screening Plan:
3:00 p.m. EST: We meet virtually to say hello via a Zoom link that we’ll send to all of the attendees.
3:15 p.m. EST: We watch the film.
4:00 p.m. EST: After the screening, we will discuss the film, its context and its relevance to today.
The ZOOM link for the discussion will be sent to all who register for the event.  To register please CLICK HERE
PLEASE NOTE-There is a small fee to view the film.