Monday, September 9, 2024

JGSIG September Meeting Announcement - Tuesday, September 10th at 1 pm. - Let's play with AI Platforms

 JGSIG Sept Meeting Announcement - Tues Sept 10 2024 - FREE Zoom NO RSVP


Arthur Sissman

5:37 AM (6 hours ago)
to Arthur
Note by AS: Feel free to share this with interested parties - free.
JGSIG Sept Meeting Announcement - Tues Sept 10 2024

Let’s play with AI Platforms and learn how to process some genealogy.

Expand and outline the use of Ancestry AI updates. What do I need to know.
JGSIG Meeting Tues 10 Sept 2024 1-2:30 pm ET / 10am PT / 6pm UK / 8pm IR / 3am tomorrow Melbourne AU.
Zoom recording link and Resource material will only be after the meeting. To be able to receive the recording and Resource material send the following info to
  1. Name
  2. Email
  3. Location
  4. Phone
Practical ways to Use AI platforms in your Research RIGHT NOW.
  1. Obituary and processing
  2. Fact extraction and processing
  3. Tombstone transcription / translation / processing.
  4. DNA match notes processing and analysis?
  5. Strategies for Using AI Today in Your Learning Process!
  6. Other examples demonstrated.
Needed - the following to use for examples and that you don’t mind sharing with others…..
  1. Long, detailed obituary
  2. Tombstone in more than one language.
  3. Long document with many facts that needs processing.
  4. Well organized written DNA data that needs processing.
No guarantee that what you submit will be used in any of the demos.
No need to subscribe to any models.
AI models to be discussed are ChatGPT, Perplexity, Meta AI, Claude.
If you are interested in attending this action oriented meeting — join the meeting.
Tues 10 Sept 2024 1-2:30 pm ET
Join Zoom Meeting
Meeting ID: 841 5186 7914
Passcode: Sept10

Tuesday, September 3, 2024

Webtember 2024 - Free Legacy Family Tree Webinars

 "Get ready for an exciting month of learning with "Webtember" 2024!

Legacy Family Tree Webinars is back with another month-long, free online genealogy conference. Each Friday in September, join expert speakers as they cover a range of topics, from DNA testing to historical records and everything in between. There’s something for everyone.

Don’t miss out — register now!

Can’t make it live? Recordings will be available through the end of September."

For additional information, click here:

Webtember 2024: Elevate Your Genealogy Skills All September Long - MyHeritage Blog