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From: Marlis Humphrey <marlis@vitreouscom.com>To: "leadership@iajgs.org" <leadership@iajgs.org>
Date: Fri, 13 Jan 2023 21:43:30 +0000
Subject: [IAJGS Leadership] New Tool for Jewish Genealogy
From the DoJR project founded by the IAJGS – a new tool and open call for comments. Share with your organization's members!
Where are all the records? Stop searching for a needle in a haystack! Use our checklist to guide your research... and add what you know! https://ldvdf.org/custodial-entity-type-taxonomy/
The LDVDF's DoJR project invites you to preview the draft Master Checklist and provide comments through Tuesday 31 January.
Please share with others seeking Jewish ancestors!