Wednesday, May 19, 2021




The Jewish Genealogical Society of Greater Miami  (JGSGM) is collaborating with the Jewish Genealogy SIG (Special Interest Group) of Naples/Lee Co FL headed and mentored  by Mr. Arthur Sissman.

The June Meeting will take place via zoom.

Tuesday, June 8, 2021 at 10 am **

The Topic

Visit your deceased relatives via Find-a-Grave. 

 How Do I Use Find-a-Grave in genealogical research?

Please register with  if you did not attend the previous classes with the mentor.

Once you are registered you will be receiving direct mail from the mentor.

** Write to us if you are unable to attend because of the time or the day. Let us know what time or day is convenient for you.

Your feedback is important to plan our future programming. 

The Forgotten Exodus: Florida's Hispanic Jews from the Islamic World-June 6th, 2021 at 1:00 PM EST

Dr. Henry Green

Monday, May 3, 2021

USCIS Request for Comments - Your Help Needed!

 USCIS Request for Comments - Your Help Needed! #records #usa

From: Renée K. Carl
Date: Sun, 02 May 2021 15:41:28 EDT

Hi all,
In the past, this group has been so helpful in efforts to fight the attempts by 
US Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS) to hike fees for its Genealogy Program. Now, USCIS wants to know what you think! USCIS published a call for public comments in the Federal Registerand the deadline to submit is May 19th 2021. Make your voice heard about the Genealogy Program, and urge USCIS to transfer their historical records to the National Archives.

This is a rare opportunity to voice your concerns about the USCIS Genealogy Program, Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) Program, or about public access to information and records generally.


The Records Not Revenue team (of which I am a part) has all the information you need, including comment starters, at https://www.recordsnotrevenue. com/take-action/.


What does USCIS want to know? USCIS wants to identify barriers between their services and your satisfaction. They framed the call for comments with a series of questions relating to the barriers. Don’t worry – all the information is in a user-friendly format at: https://www.recordsnotrevenue. com/take-action/.


Please make sure to submit your comments by May 19th. Please use your voice to demonstrate that Americans value our immigration history and records, and demand those records are preserved and available for research.

Thank you for considering this request!
Renee Carl, for the Records Not Revenue team
Washington, DC

Saturday, May 1, 2021


 The All Virtual IAJGS International Conference on Jewish Genealogy is scheduled for August 1-5, 2021.  For more informaton go to the IAJGS Conference link: